Vanessa's summary

Rural inquires: Yes

Age: 24 years

About Vanessa

Occupations: Ecorustics

Education: Secondary education

My languages: Portuguese

My hobbies: Read, listening music, watch documentaries.

I can help with: Suport, Costumer Service.

Phone number: Hidden

Residency: Lisboa

Long description:

Hello! I'm Vanessa, a 23-year-old Lisbon native with a heart deeply rooted in the rural landscapes of Portugal. My journey to the countryside began as a child, during school vacations spent in my grandparents' quaint village. It was there, amidst the gentle rhythms of rural life, that my love for the countryside blossomed

 For me, the countryside isn't just a place, it's a retreat for the soul. The tranquility, the serene beauty, and the authenticity of rural areas have always been a stark, refreshing contrast to the city's hustle. Each visit to my grandparents' village wasn't just a holiday; it was an immersion in a world of peace and genuine warmth, nurtured by the endearing village folk.

As your point of contact for customer support here at Ecorustics, I bring my passion and my understanding of what makes a countryside stay truly special. I'm here to ensure that your experience with Ecorustics is as enchanting and heartwarming as those childhood vacations were for me. Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat or an adventure in nature, I'm dedicated to helping you.

Vanessa's BLOG posts

Winter Beauty in Portugal


Quinta Silva

Profile picture
